Exterior Props

First responder training has become an issue of great financial concern in many departments. PRO-SAFE has developed a training device that is versatile and cost effective. Fueled with liquid or vapor propane, our new P-250 System can effectively provide firefighters with a multitude of training scenarios for any live fire training situation, and is a safe way to use propane for fire training.

The PRO-SAFE training system has the ability to be either fixed in one location or to be completely mobile accompanied by a supplied power source, propane supply and trailer. Trainers can provide firefighters the opportunity to train using their own equipment effectively and with minimal costs.

PRO-SAFE designs and manufactures a wide range of high quality and safe live fire props, which allows them to work with individual departments to construct any training scenario that they would like to accomplish.

Available fire training props include: Pressure vessel props, car trainer, helicopter trainer, spill fire, Christmas tree or 3-D fire simulation, flange and leaking pipes, marine, rail, machinery fires and barrel storage. Custom props are also available, and be sure to ask us about our new P250 System!